Numalia 1 was my first game and meanwhile only one that is fully finished.
I started working on it month after I started learning Pascal.
It was ancient March of year 1999 and last version was from May.
Source codes had about 3500 lines and it was written and compiled in
Borland Pascal 7.0 and it runs in text mode. If my murky memory
doesn't deceive me you could play as Warrior or Ranger of human or elven race.
Game map contained 100 locations. Somewhere in the middle was small village
with scanty number of NPCs which dropped few lines of text. One or two
shopkeepers lived in village too. Around the village some skeletons lurked
and beneath dark ravine ghoul Scop, servant of darkmage Darmon, lived in his tower.
After Scop's elimination game ended.
All source codes and game itself were destroyed in The Black Day Of Disk
Fault 14.07.2000. Numalia 1 is lost forever...